Student Solution


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Case Analysis 2_Managing People

Case Analysis 2_Managing People

Q The prevailing problem is a serious one. If there is discrimination on the grounds of race, then in future, there will be very limited scope for even the departmental development as well as public welfare. Looking at the present condition, it seems like the issue of discrimination against the Hispanic counterparts has become quite big and severe and if the allegations are true, then it is important to end the discriminating behavior as soon as possible.

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The first part of the plan will be to talk with the Hispanics and gathering some facts that are contributing factors towards their hiring and development. As a Chief Administrative Officer, it is important to know if the claimed victims are actually ‘hirable’. It had also been mentioned that few of the plaintiffs were hired but were not experiencing a quality work experience due to taunting racial jokes, exclusion by other peers from day to day informal activities and communication. It will be convenient if the hired plaintiffs can be summoned for a detailed discussion and they are asked about the hostile environment they had been talking about. The second part of the plan will be dealing with the other parties in the scenario like the employer, browsing through the employment policies and so on. Even though it is clear that the discrimination had taken place, a little more investigation is necessary in order to understand the exact situation of the Hispanics